Risky Revolut

Full disclosure before we start on this one. Most of us here are at Excel Currencies are ‘fans’ in some shape or form of Revolut. Whether it be the app, the card, the marketing or the suite of offerings.


However, this blog is specifically about large overseas payments and why Revolut probably isn’t your best choice for moving large sums abroad.


Who are Revolut?


Exploring financial strategies and insights

Simply put, Revolut are the jewel in the UK’s fintech crown. They are a neobank and finance app like no other in the world and next year, it’s likely they will reach full UK bank status after waiting 3-years to be awarded a UK banking license by the Bank of England.


Launched in 2015, the ‘unicorn’ firm boasts 1000 staff and has over 9 million customers in the UK. It is currently valued at a mind-blowing $45bn and recorded a £344m profit for 2023 with revenues at £1.8bn. This all comes after only first turning a profit in 2022..


It’s range of products and services include –


·        Banking

·        Cards

·        Currency exchange

·        Budgeting

·        Savings

·        Insurances

·        Stock trading

·        Cryptocurrency


The concerning press coverage


On the surface, things look almost fairytale like for Revolut. However, there has been a cost to the meteoric rise of the firm and it’s people that have been made to suffer.


Revolut lead scam complaints


Complaints to the Financial Ombudsmen Service (FOS) about UK banks are currently at a 10-year high (2023). 27,312 complaints were made and worryingly, 50% of these complaints were in relation to APP fraud.


(Authorised Push Payment (APP) is a scam in which people are tricked into authorising payments to a fraudster who is posing as a genuine payee. This cost the UK consumer nearly £500m in 2023)


From these fraud related complaints, 3,458 were for Revolut (25% of APP complaints). And this number was more than any other bank or fintech, even though in terms of customer base, Revolut has less than half of the major UK banks.




This is unfortunately not a one-off either. Revolut had 1,930 complaints go to the FOS in 2022, five times that of its next rival in the overseas payment space (another online DIY firm). And since its inception in 2015, Revolut has prompted four times the number of complaints as other FX providers COMBINED.


(Remember, these are complaints that reached the FOS. These don’t include complaints made to Revolut that were either settled or not pursued further by customers. We dread to think what this number could be.)




There are numerous reports of customers not being allowed to speak to a human when they have been scammed out of their money (which you can read on review sites like TrustPilot) and the Telegraph reported earlier in the year that 1,000 people may have lost a huge £34m through Revolut.




And if you didn’t know, the average time the ombudsman takes to resolve a complaint..


A shocking 328 days.


Even Revolut’s own people are not safe from the firms growth plans..


In 2022, there was a mass exodus of staff and several key senior personnel resigned without a word as to why. Last year, there were a string of reports on Revolut’s working environment.


Claims that staff were to achieve ‘perfection’ or get fired and most were forced to do unpaid work or risk the same fate. A new division was created at the firm to address criticism over its aggressive corporate culture.






The wild west


Last year, Revolut failed to submit their accounts on time for the second consecutive year. In fact, the firm filed 6-months after deadline. And in 2020, the UK body that regulates auditors deemed the company’s audit as “inadequate” and highlighted high risk of an undetected material misstatement.




Finally, in a recent T&C’s email update, Revolut stated it no longer needs ‘good reason’ to debank customers.





Is using Revolut a risk worth taking for large overseas payments?


potential risks


Well, even after reading the bad press we have provided on this blog, that question is completely up to you to decide. After all, they are cheap and easy to use. But are these selling points really what you need anyway when moving large sums abroad? Let’s dive in deeper..


Beware the mistakes


Revolut offers a Do it Yourself (DIY) service. This means;


·        Inputting the correct currencies you wish to buy or sell

·        Inputting the correct amount of currency you want to buy or sell

·        Inputting the correct account details


Excel Currencies does the above on your behalf. But why does this matter I hear you say?


Well, most people we speak to have never sent a payment abroad. Some have never sent a payment anywhere near the size they need to make for the property purchase to anyone else before. There is no doubt it’s a daunting task for the majority.


Because you are buying live from the market (like the stock or commodities market), choosing the wrong currency and/or amount will cost you. These are simple mistakes to make, especially when feeling stress and pressure of performing the task.


We take these potential mistakes off the table and we remove the stress and pressure of the task by doing them for you.


By using Revolut, YOU are liable for any losses you incur from your trade mistakes. Revolut will not pick up any losses, as it was you that made the mistake on their platform. Reversing your mistake will take time too because of the lack of human contact support that Revolut offers.


Revolut are also unable to identify whether or not you have made a mistake and so it’s down to you to recognise when you have and by that point, it could be a lot worse than it originally would have been..


Payments, payments, payments


An even bigger fear when making a payment by yourself, is sending it to the wrong destination. Within the UK, Confirmation of Payee (CoP) has helped hugely in recent years with fraudulent payments and as a way of deterring general payment mistakes.


This added security on payments allows customers to match account details with the right account name and is confirmed by your bank before you process a payment. However, CoP is not available for overseas transfers.


At Excel Currencies, we have added security features that Revolut does not offer on large value transactions overseas, to help minimise the chance of fraud occurring on your payment.


Also, if using Revolut, you are overseeing the inputting of account details and Revolut are just processing your request. Here at Excel Currencies, we have 3 team members that look over every single payment with collective payments experience of at least 25-years.


If you have given us incorrect account details and we have passed the added security feature, we can act instantly in recalling the funds. It will be a ticketing system with Revolut and speed is of the essence when a payment gets sent to the wrong place.


As-well-as your dedicated account manager, you will also be assigned a dedicated support team member who will proactively work with you until the funds have been returned. They will chase the corresponding bank and update you whenever there is news to tell, in what can be a very unsettling time.


More importantly, they will be available to speak with on the phone at any time. Over at Revolut, it will be a mixture of a robot and human interaction, primarily via their online chat or email. This will no doubt lead to a slow, unpersonal and frustrating path.


AML & delays


Our industry is very heavily regulated by the FCA and both Excel Currencies and Revolut are forced to abide by strict Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures.


When it comes to large exchanges, we both must prove what the transfer is for and what the source of funds are and have documentation to support.


At Revolut, you will not know what exact documentation will be required until you have loaded your payment. Compliance will email you usually within 24-hours asking the necessary questions. Once you have supplied the relevant documents, it can take up to 5-days for Revolut to give the greenlight on the payment or not.


At Excel Currencies, we explain what is required as soon as we have spoken to our customers and guide them through exactly what we need, when and how to get it. 80% of the time we have the relevant documents in place before any trade has been placed, to avoid any payment delays. Our way is instant, painless and proactive.


Excel Currencies has been in business since 2004 and are fully authorised and regulated by the FCA. Customer funds are held in safeguarding accounts with tier 1 banks only. Excel Currencies use sophisticated anti-fraud measures to keep your money safe.


Price v Cost


Comparison of Excel Currencies and Revolut: Consider potential risks 

Have you ever tried to save money by buying the cheaper version of an item or service?


Did you notice that more often than not, the cheaper item or service ended up costing you MORE in the long run via replacements, repairs or add-ons, compared to the more expensive and higher quality item or service?


To name a handful of things;


·        Clothes, furniture, vehicles, home repairs/improvements etc

·        Flights, trains, holidays, hotels, solicitors and so on..


A saying that we love here at Excel Currencies is by an author named John Ruskin and was written over 150 years ago – “It is unwise to pay too much, but it is far worse to pay too little”.


We liken this to the banks charging customers too much and Revolut charging too little. The banks charge between 2%-3% on average to customers moving large sums overseas, whereas Revolut charge 80% less than that.


Pay cheap, pay twice..


The ‘price v cost’ narrative is saying that something may be the best price now, but how much will it cost you in the long run?


The cost will come in the form of primarily money and/or time. Stress, anxiety and frustration etc are all by-products to losing money and/or time.


Revolut have customers worldwide making transactions of all sizes, for all kinds of reasons and also offer an overseas spending card (which is very good). They have a gargantuan number of reviews, but 10% of them are rated as 1*, most of which have something to do with a large exchange.


If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.


£5 trillion is traded daily on the FX market, it is the biggest market in the world by some distance. This means it is also very volatile because of the sheer number of players and amounts involved.


Exchange rates change every 2-seconds with a daily average swing of 1%. On average, a currency pair will move by 3% during an overseas property buyers window.


On £200,000 to €, this is a potential profit or loss situation of £6,000. Money (I’m sure you would agree) you could very much use by upgrading your bathroom or kitchen, paying for removal and solicitor fees, installing a swimming pool or even paying for a family holiday.


Choosing to work with Revolut on large exchanges instead of Excel Currencies, means you are navigating this market alone and this is a market that sees 81% of FX traders lose money on.


Many of these traders work for hedge funds and investment banks which use state-of-the-art algorithmic technology and still they get it wrong. So, what chance do you have really of timing your exchange right?


Minimising your risk.


Without a dedicated account manager at Revolut, how do you know when is best to exchange your funds or do you just exchange when you are ready or when the money is needed to be sent? This is risky business..


Also, how much time will you potentially waste in getting to grips with the FX market, looking for trends, rate watching, searching for reliable forecasts, hatching a plan etc?


At Excel Currencies, we take all of this away. Your dedicated account manager will work with you to understand your risk appetite and help create a plan on what to do within your timeframe based on market trends, economist forecasts and what others in the industry are doing.


The trader working with you will have at least 15-years’ experience in the FX industry and they will explain the tools and products available to help minimise your risk on the market. This could add up to be a significant saving to your pocket.


Remember, exchange rates will likely move around 3% during the time window of purchasing a property abroad, so risk management should be the name of the game, and this is something that Revolut does not offer.


If you want to witness how powerful a Forward Contract can be, please use our currency risk calculator for free here -


To summarise, Revolut will offer a better exchange rate on the day (price), but buying SPOT and flying solo is just like rolling the dice on a large transfer (risky) and if something goes wrong, then that’s unfortunately on you (transactional relationship).


More importantly, Revolut’s horrendous track record for complaints, customers being scammed and lack of customer support may be hard for most to ignore.


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Excel Currencies offers a hands-on, proactive approach (human) and consultative service (cost). We specialise in large exchanges and overseas property sales for UK customers (experience). Plus, finding any bad press on us will be very hard to come by..

Find out how we can help you with a Forward Contract by calling us on 01322 221 121 or email us at info@excelcurrencies.com.