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Mexican Peso (MXN)


Payment type Priority Regular
Cutoff time (UK Time) 9:00 am 8:30 am
Delivery time frame 0 days 1 day
Maximum payment size No limit No limit
Payment Scheme SWIFT SPEI
Destination countries Any(excluding sanctioned) Mexico
Traces Yes No
Recalls Yes No
Ultimate payer displayed? Yes No

Required details

Regular Payment

Please note that regular MXN payments are closed to new customers at the current time. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to register your interest and we’ll let you know you when we make them available again.

Field Individual Company Permitted Data Notes
Beneficiary Entity Type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Beneficiary First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Postcode Yes Yes 1-12 characters*
Beneficiary State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Country Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Identification Type Yes Yes One of the following:
A legal document that verifies the identity of the beneficiary.
Beneficiary Identification Value Yes Yes 3 characters + 6 digits + 3 characters; or
4 characters + 6 digits + 3 characters; or
4 characters + 6 digits + the letter M or H + 2 alphanumeric characters + 5 characters
A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a passport number.
CLABE Yes Yes 18 digits CLABE is the banking standard for the numbering of bank accounts in Mexico (equivalent to the Account Number in other jurisdictions).
BIC SWIFT Yes Yes Valid ISO 9362 SWIFT BIC code; 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters
Payment Currency Yes Yes 3 letter ISO currency code
Payment Amount Yes Yes Numeric amount
Payment Reference Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payment Reason Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Entity type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Payer First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Postcode Yes Yes 1-12 characters*
Payer State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
Payer Date of Birth Yes No ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).

Priority payment

Field Individual Company Permitted Data Notes
Beneficiary Entity Type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Beneficiary First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Postcode Yes Yes 1-12 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Beneficiary State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Beneficiary Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
IBAN Yes Yes 15-34 alphanumeric characters; spaces permitted IBAN must be used when sending payments to all IBAN countries. When sending to non-IBAN countries, account number must be used.
Account Number Yes Yes Varies per destination country When sending payments to non-IBAN countries, account number must be used. IBAN must be used when sending to all IBAN countries.
CLABE Yes Yes 18 digits CLABE must be used instead of account number or IBAN when sending payments in any currency to Mexico. CLABE is the banking standard for the numbering of bank accounts in Mexico (equivalent to the Account Number in other jurisdictions).
BIC SWIFT Yes Yes Valid ISO 9362 SWIFT BIC code; 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters BIC SWIFT is used for USD payments to any other supported country outside the USA.
ABA Yes Yes 9 digits American banks are identified by a 9 digit ABA number, also known as ‘Routing Number’. The ABA should be valid for FedWIRE payments. Some ABA values are only valid for FedACH payments. Payments to FedACH-only ABAs will fail. The ABA is required for all USD payments to the USA.
Payment Currency Yes Yes 3 letter ISO currency code
Payment Amount Yes Yes Numeric amount
Payment Reference Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payment Reason Yes Yes 1-255 characters* This field is not visible to the beneficiary.
Payer Entity type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Payer First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Postcode Yes Yes 1-12 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Payer State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Payer Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
Payer Date of Birth Yes No ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Payer Identification Type No Yes ‘incorporation_number’ only A legal document that verifies the identity of the payer. Required documentation will vary depending on the nationality or registered address of the payer.
Payer Identification Value No Yes 1-255 characters* A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a passport number.