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Swedish Krona (SEK)


Payment type Priority Regular
Cutoff time (UK Time) 10:30 am 10:30 am
Delivery time frame 0 days 0 days
Maximum payment size No limit No limit
Payment Scheme SWIFT Internal Transfers RIX*
Destination countries Any(excluding sanctioned) Sweden
Traces Yes No
Recalls Yes No
Ultimate payer displayed? Yes No

Required details

Regular Payment

Please note that payments to the Swedish Government Agencies are not supported via ‘regular’ payment types. Payments to the Swedish Government Agencies require an OCR reference number that cannot be sent to the Government Agency bank accounts on the payment rails used for ‘regular’ SEK payment types.

Field Individual Company Permitted Data Notes
Beneficiary Entity Type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Beneficiary First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Bank Code Yes Yes 4-5 digits See below
Beneficiary Bank Account Number Yes Yes 1-15 digits See below
Payment Currency Yes Yes 3 letter ISO currency code
Payment Amount Yes Yes Numeric amount
Payment Reference Yes Yes 1-255 characters* Different local Nordic banks truncate to fewer characters on the statement.
Payment Reason Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Entity Type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Payer First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
Payer Date of Birth Yes No ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).

Bank And Account Numbers For Local Sek Payments

Bank Bank number series Max number of digits in account number (excluding bank number)
Full Avanza Bank 9550-9569 7
Bluestep Finance 9680-9689 7
BNP Paribas Fortis 9470-9479 7
Citibank International Plc, Sweden Branch7 9040-9049 7
Danske Bank A / S, Sweden Branch 1200-1399
Danske Bolån 1200-1399 7
DNB Bank ASA, Branch Sweden 9190-9199 7
Forex Bank AB 9400-9449 7
Commercial banks 6000-6999 9
ICA Banks 9270-9279 7
IKANO Banks 9170-9179 7
Länsförsäkringar Bank 9020-9029
Lånog Spar Bank Sverige 9630-9639 7
Marginalen Bank 9230-9239 7
Nordax Bank AB 9640-9649 7
Nordea 1100-1199
Nordea - Personkonto (Personal account number = social security number) 3300 10 *
Nordea - PlusGirot 9500-9549
Nordnet Bank 9100-9109 7
Resurs Bank AB 9280-9289 7
Royal Bank of Scotland 9090-9099 7
Santander Consumer Bank AS 9460-9469 7
SBAB 9250-9259 7
SEB 5000-5999
Skandiabanken AB 9150-9169 7
Sparbanken Syd 9570-9579 10 **
SparbankenÖresund 9300-9349 10 **
Swedbank When you make transfers or send a salary to Swedbank's accounts starting with 7 - you can choose to enter the whole account number (eleven digits) or to enter three zeros between the bank number (the first four digits) and the account number. 7000-7999 7
Swedbank and independent Sparbanker For example, LeksandsSparbank and Roslagsbanken. Swedbank has a fifth figure in bank numbers starting at 8, eg 8327-9. Please include the full 5 digits. 8000-8999 10
Svea Bank 9660-9669 7
Bank of Åland plc (Finland), Swedish branch 2300-2399 7

* If you have an 11-digit account number in Nordea, the clearing number is always the first four digits of the account number. If your account number consists of your social security number (10 digits), use 3300 as the clearing number.

** For account numbers with fewer than 10 digits, Hembanken automatically adds zeros between the clearing number and the account number so that the entire account number is always 10 digits long.

Priority payment

Field Individual Company Permitted Data Notes
Beneficiary Entity Type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Beneficiary First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Beneficiary Yes Yes 1-12 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Postcode Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Beneficiary State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Beneficiary Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
IBAN Yes Yes 15-34 alphanumeric characters; spaces permitted IBAN must be used when sending payments to all IBAN countries. When sending to non-IBAN countries, account number must be used.
Account Number Yes Yes 1-17 digits When sending payments to non-IBAN countries, account number must be used. IBAN must be used when sending to all IBAN countries.
CLABE Yes Yes 18 digits CLABE must be used instead of account number or IBAN when sending payments in any currency to Mexico. CLABE is the banking standard for the numbering of bank accounts in Mexico (equivalent to the Account Number in other jurisdictions).
ABA Yes Yes 9 digits American banks are identified by a 9 digit ABA number, also known as ‘Routing Number’. The ABA should be valid for FedWIRE payments. Some ABA values are only valid for FedACH payments. Payments to FedACH-only ABAs will fail. The ABA is required for all USD payments to the USA.
BIC SWIFT Yes Yes Valid ISO 9362 SWIFT BIC code; 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters BIC SWIFT is used for USD payments to any other supported country outside the USA.
ABA Yes Yes 9 digits American banks are identified by a 9 digit ABA number, also known as ‘Routing Number’. The ABA should be valid for FedWIRE payments. Some ABA values are only valid for FedACH payments. Payments to FedACH-only ABAs will fail. The ABA is required for all payments to the USA
Payment Currency Yes Yes 3 letter ISO currency code
Payment Amount Yes Yes Numeric amount
Payment Reference Yes Yes 1-255 characters* The scheme only supports 140 alphanumeric characters. The reference field will be truncated to fit this limit.
Payment Reason Yes Yes 1-255 characters* The scheme only supports 140 alphanumeric characters. The reference field will be truncated to fit this limit.
Payer Entity type Yes Yes ‘individual’ or ‘company’ only
Payer First Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Last Name Yes No 1-255 characters*
Payer Company Name No Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Address Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer City Yes Yes 1-255 characters*
Payer Postcode Yes Yes 1-12 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Payer State or Province Yes Yes 1-255 characters* Only required when sending payments to Canada, Mexico and the USA.
Payer Country Yes Yes 2 letter ISO country code
Payer Date of Birth Yes No ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Payer Identification Type No Yes ‘incorporation_number’ only
Payer Identification Value No Yes 1-255 characters*